Witch’s Kurse Update 5
The latest in Damned and Kursed now stands at 85K words. Most of my novels end at around that length, but not this one. It’s shaping up to be the longest novel I’ve written. Maybe another 20K words or so. I’m sure that will all change in editing. The reason for the long length is the fact that I’m following a few different characters, and now it’s time for all those plots to converge, something I’ve done a few times before. I’m also giving slightly more time to the “villains” in the story, a first for me. Here’s hoping it’s a hit. 🙂
November 27, 2013 @ 2:16 pm
I’m looking forward to it.
November 28, 2013 @ 6:32 am
New snippet?
November 28, 2013 @ 7:51 am
That’s not a bad idea. I usually do one sample per novel, but this sample only had Marie in it. I’ll set up one more, showing off Jack a bit this time.
November 28, 2013 @ 9:23 am
Do you have an editing process that your books go through before publishing or are you a complete solo act?
Read all your books and not a chance I won’t buy a book with Jack in it so keep them coming 🙂
November 28, 2013 @ 9:54 am
I write and edit the novels myself. The editing part is the trickiest. I’ll wait a bit, try to forget the novel afterwards completely. Then I’ll give it 1-4 read throughs and edits. I think most authors do more, but I also edit as I write as well. On days I don’t feel like pounding out 1000+ words, I’ll edit.
After that, I pass the novel on to readers of this site, basically whoever wants to read it and comment. Every beta reader I’ve had is amazing. I think I almost used the exact same crew between Soul Insurance and Demon’s Doorway. Some beta readers comment more on the story/plot, while others go with grammar/sentence structure. Each and every comment is valuable. No matter how many mistakes I find in my work, my readers find many more, and help me fix them. The novels wouldn’t be anywhere near as good without them.
The covers are designed by DigitalDonna.com, and as long as she is in business, I won’t be changing artists. She gives the novels a great feel, and makes the series feel like part of a series.
November 28, 2013 @ 12:39 pm
Cannot wait. In my eyes all of your books have been a hit. I love ALL of the characters, and they’re just plain fun to read.
December 2, 2013 @ 10:15 am
Cannot wait for this next book. Was just thinking this weekend that I haven’t seen anything from you in a while. Definitely still want to be on the beta reading list.