Witch Trial Aftermath
A lot of little news updates for this post.
As I’m sure anyone who is reading this by now knows, Witch Trial is out. Hopefully, it’s a worthy addition to the series. As always, I’m trying to avoid reviews on Amazon. They aren’t meant for the author, and I want to avoid the “sting” that comes with seeing those 1 and 2 star ratings out there. 🙂
I don’t want to talk about the novel too much yet, for those still reading. Just want to let everyone know what’s upcoming.
I messed up the numbering scheme (again). I went back to Amazon and corrected. I forgot that Broken Home, while a “series” piece, isn’t numbered. So Witch Trial is officially entry number 8. I’ll correct the list at the back of Witch Trial (which I always wonder how many people read) this evening.
Before I truly dive into the next novel, I’m working on putting together a guide or “bible” for myself. I’ve got notes scattered everywhere, but no true place I can go to look up how to make an invisibility potion. 🙂 I want to put all that in place before starting the new novel. This means basically doing a quick-read of the entire series. I thought it would be crazy at first, but I’m already done Demonspawn, and two-thirds of the way through A Witch To Live. It’s hard at spots, because my mind keeps going “Ah, I could have written this better.” But it is good to do, as there are many little character details I’ve forgotten along the way (some of which are actually pretty good 🙂 )
It was during this process that I realized I somehow forgot to buy A Witch To Live for myself. So I did, and everything was double spaced! I have no idea how this happened. I KNOW I tested the novel format on release, but there it was. Anyway, I corrected this, and uploaded a new copy.
Now, what am I writing next? Another Damned and Cursed entry. There are a few threads I intentionally left hanging in Witch Trial, that will pick back up. I’ve got most of the cast in place, but I’ll leave that a mystery for now.
April 27, 2018 @ 2:08 pm
I’ve been reading back through all of them, too, but not for the same reason. I haven’t started Witch Trial because I had just begun a re-read of Four Centuries. I’ll get to it soon, though. It’s just waiting on my kindle.
Side Note: There are some great benefits to reading each story for a second time. I’m picking up on clues that I had missed the first time. Having a bit more context helps the pieces click into place. For example, I’ve begun to realize that Kevin has always been a bit reckless (I think it’s the teenager in him), and Victoria likes to lure her enemies into underestimating her by appearing weaker than she really is (until she runs out of patience). She does drop hints, though, and I love reading back through the book and spotting those moments, now that I know what’s going to happen.
April 27, 2018 @ 7:02 pm
I tried to keep up that “recklessness” in Witch Trial. He’s getting older, but still young. He does temper being young with a bit of sense, though. He hasn’t blown up Maryland yet. 🙂
Jack uses some of the same tactics of deception as Victoria. I didn’t really notice until you mentioned the above. 🙂
April 27, 2018 @ 4:05 pm
Just finished Witch Trial, another great book! Read all of your books and love all of your ideas.
May 9, 2018 @ 9:21 pm
Just bought it — Cant wait to read it!
May 10, 2018 @ 9:51 am
Let me know if you like it 🙂
May 16, 2018 @ 12:41 pm
I do NOT agree with some of the comments in Amazon. You are an AMAZING author and your series is awesome to read! The characters and situations come to life while I am reading them! Please keep writing them, because my husband and I will keep buying them! I think my husband’s ONLY complaint is he would love to hear more of them on Audible. He is a truck driver and Audible makes his shifts go faster! Thank you!
May 22, 2018 @ 9:13 am
Ha it’s a good thing I try to avoid Amazon. 🙂 Last I checked it was a 4 stars, (but I didn’t read any reviews). So, I can’t complain.
Yeah I wish Audible was something I knew more about. I’ll have to dig deeper into it soon.