Turns Out It Takes A While To Edit 100K+ Words
Done editing. Wow. Sorry it took so long. I was hoping to have this novel completely done by Christmas, but that didn’t happen. The good news I guess is that it’s ready for “beta” before Christmas, which is better than nothing.
So, as is common by now byΒ readers who know me, it’s time to get this novel into the hands of four to six readers that would like to check out the latest work and offer feedback. As I always say, any feedback is welcome. π Some like to critique the story elements, plot, characters, etc. Others take a technical / grammar approach. If anyone would like to read Shapeless and let me know their thoughts, just send me a message using the contact form or comment on this post.
Ha, important note: This is not a Damned and Cursed novel, so I’m sure that might sway people who might read it. π Don’t want readers to go “Bah, this isn’t a Damned and Cursed and he didn’t tell us”. Still, I think it’s a fun read, and any fans of my “style” (assuming I have one) would probably enjoy this novel.
I’ll look over any possible takers over the weekend and send the novel along.
Other thoughts about Shapeless:
Such a challenge to write. I hope the “action” scenes translate well. It’s unlike anything I’ve done before.
This is the longest novel I’ve written. The crazy thing is I had more planned. I had to cut some things out, entire subplots. Another reason why editing went so long. I had a subplot foreshadowed for the first third of the novel that I never got back to.
I still have to put a sample out there. I just don’t know what, to be honest. Maybe I’ll take the easy way out and include chapter one. I’m not a great mystery writer, but I didn’t want to sample the later chapters in fear of giving anything away.
December 10, 2016 @ 8:46 am
Can’t wait! If you need a beta reader let me know! I have enjoyed all your novels not just the Damned and Cursed series!
December 10, 2016 @ 4:30 pm
I enjoyed all you novels. I would be love to be one of your beta testers.
December 12, 2016 @ 1:02 am
I’ ve read all your books and loved them. I would like be a beta reader for your new book. Hope you would chose meπ. Cant wait for your book.
December 12, 2016 @ 7:03 am
I would love to be a beta reader
December 12, 2016 @ 8:36 am
Hey guys. Got all the comments and emails. I’ll reach out later today and start putting together formats (some like PDF, some like Kindle, etc.) π
Thanks again very much.
December 19, 2016 @ 2:52 am
Yay! I can’t wait! I love all your books and this one sounds so interesting!
December 20, 2016 @ 3:21 am
I am waiting on several authors next release and have enjoyed all your books. I normally have to read a book twice, back to back because I have waited so long that I read them fast and then go back over them to really enjoy them slowly. Looking forward to another storyline.
December 27, 2016 @ 1:40 pm
I’d love to help proof it if you need more help.
December 28, 2016 @ 8:53 pm
Here’s some food for thought….
I am a music and English teacher reading (and editing as I go along) dozens and dozens of books per month. Only a very small handful are stuck in my memory (less than ten).
In order to be remembered by me, the writing has to be exceptional. There’s some decent talent out there.
I will forget you and never read your books again, if the text and grammar are atrocious and historical or source references are incorrect (Yes, I’ll check at times).
Self editing drives me nuts, especially if the author could care less about it and expects to make money regardless of the mess. It’s additionally hilarious when written credit is given to an editor on said book. Even if the story was great, I’ll drop your books and erase you from my memory and reading list.
If I cannot connect or empathize with any of the characters, I’ll forget you as a writer as well.
I WILL however, remember your books, if the writing is amazingly good and each and every character is complex and interesting in their own way.
The Damned & Cursed books were not only memorable for me, but I’ve already re-read the 7 books twice. Hon, I never do that.
To read your latest note to readers, telling us that this next book is NOT Damned & Cursed Book 8, earns you a big “Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.”
Oh, I understand branching out and wanting to take on other ideas, but it’s been quite some time since book 7 was released.
Out of the hundreds of books I’ve read in the last year, that series is one of only a few I actually remember enough to have most of the characters names stuck in my noggin, so get crackin’ sir and give us book 8 soon. Deal?
With respect and in good humor,
J. A. Holland
January 11, 2017 @ 8:28 am
Very kind words. π I will be the first to admit I’m probably an amateurish writer at best, at least in terms of technical skill. My prose doesn’t flow off the page, make the reader weep in their intricate beauty. π I have style choices that I know rub some people the wrong way (especially the way I do comma separated lists). But I hope I create interesting characters and words, and tell interesting stories. That’s my ultimate goal.
I think the next Damned and Cursed will be fun. Some really cool scenes/ideas are floating in my head. π That is definitely the next novel.
December 30, 2016 @ 12:28 pm
Would love to read this novel in beta! Cheers!
December 31, 2016 @ 2:17 am
Hey Glenn.. If you’re still taking beta readers, I’m all in!
January 9, 2017 @ 6:52 pm
Hey Glenn…. you publish… I buy… we both win. aka… any updates?
January 11, 2017 @ 8:24 am
Quick update: Just waiting on a bit more feedback, but we are close now. Should be out in maybe a week or so?
January 10, 2017 @ 4:34 pm
Here you are! I’m happy to find this blog!! LOVE your books. I actually used to review e-books in the earlier days. You do wonderful work and amazing world-creating!!