Soul Insurance – Ready For Beta
Okey dokey, guys. Soul Insurance is ready to get handed around. One of the problems of constantly editing your own work is you end up being overly critical. It’s hard to be objective of whether you told a good story or not, and in the end, that’s all I’m really trying to do.
I think Soul Insurance held up pretty well (as in I didn’t sick of re-reading it constantly myself š ). It has a fun, unique concept, with a couple of interesting relationships holding it all together. There’s fun, romance, a little bit of mystery, and the cool idea of a world where the word “ghost” doesn’t exist. Souls are everywhere, existing with society, and the main character Connor is the one person who can hear them.
I think I got everyone covered who wanted to beta read. If you read this post, and don’t end up with an email from me before the end of the day, holler at me. š I just went through the other thread and jotted down everyone who volunteered.
As always, I put a little “Thank you” in front of the novel when it comes out. If you’ve got a special name you want me to call you, let me know (not everyone wants their name being seen).
In regards to feedback, I’ll take any kind I can get. š Some people like to do the grammar / spelling side of things, while others are more plot focused. It’s all good to me. I’ll take anything from “this word would work better here” to “you need more of this character” to “you misspelled cat”. But above all, please let me know whether you liked the story or not, and anything you’d change.
December 21, 2012 @ 4:00 pm
Hopefully all your beta invites aren’t gone. I have been waiting for this to come out! I’ve read all your books (except dead living.. Can’t find it). Excited to see what’s next!
December 21, 2012 @ 4:03 pm
Pick me please !!!!!!
December 21, 2012 @ 4:05 pm
Hi Glenn, so how do I get on this list to read Soul Insurance? I love all your work and would LOVE to give you some feedback! Thanks!
December 21, 2012 @ 4:31 pm
I would absolutely love to be one of your Beta readers! I have all your other books (including Dead Living from the first publishing) and love them all. I would love to help out!
December 21, 2012 @ 8:44 pm
totally didn’t know we could volunteer to beta read. Completely willing if you don’t have enough people, or just want more. Ditto on Dead Living Nick, can’t find it anywhere
December 21, 2012 @ 8:45 pm
ditto, love to help out if i can
December 22, 2012 @ 1:38 am
I would love to beta read.
December 22, 2012 @ 6:30 am
So glad the book is almost out, if even half the authors of the world had an imagination like yours, the best seller list might actually mean something to readers. I would love to beta read soul insurance if there’s any room left.
p.s.: I kinda have the opinion that authors like you should be fitted with a shock collar that activates whenever you stop writing, that way we never run out of great reading material heheh
December 23, 2012 @ 1:37 am
Hi Glenn. I’ve read all of your books thus far and am an avid fan. It all started with Dead Living and I had to find everything you had on Amazon. I’m very impressed with your character development and have a keen eye for grammatical mistakes without allowing it to bias my opinion of the story. If you’re all full up for beta readers right now, I understand as I’m a bit late to the party. But if you can spare a slot, I’d be be honored to beta read it to help root out the small issues. Thank you for your writing as you’re in my top 10 list of favorite authors.
Thanks again,
David S.
January 1, 2013 @ 1:50 pm
I mentioned I’d read for it a while back. If you have need of readers still I’d like to help; otherwise I’ll just end up reading it when it comes out.
January 3, 2013 @ 6:30 pm
Ahhh, I haven’t been back for awhile. I was getting ready to do a reread of your earlier (well not earlier but published) books. I would love to help as a beta reader if the offer is still on the table. Otherwise I can’t wait to read it once it comes out. Thanks for all of your hard work! Love your stories and I hope you had an excellent holiday season.