Shhh….Don’t Tell Anyone

Demons LLCI’m very sorry, but Demons LLC won’t be out today.

Just kidding. πŸ™‚ Here is the link to the Amazon store. $3.99. Tell all of your friends, doesn’t matter who they are. In fact, if you see a stranger walking your way down the street, tell them too.

It’s out for Amazon now, but it’ll be a week or so before Barnes and Noble, iTunes, etc., has the book. I use Smashwords for all my non-Amazon distribution, and it takes them a little longer to distribute to the rest of the stores (although you can get directly from Smashwords). But rest assured, those versions are coming, as well as the paperback version . Not many people jump on the paperback anymore, but it’s nice to have the book in my library. And occasionally someone wants a signed copy. πŸ™‚

This is my tenth work (not all of them series), and it’s taken that long to get back to Alex Teague having his own novel. It’s certainly much different than what I had in mind. When Demonspawn was done, I had no idea it would create a world with other characters, all of them very real in my own mind. Pretty neat. πŸ™‚

Alex has grown a bit since we last saw him. He’s mostly mastered his powers, and figured why not use them to make a bit of money? Cindy, as always, is his rock, and supports him in working his first “official” case. As can be expected with a man who deals with two worlds, things don’t go as expected.

I like how this novel turned out. I like the supporting cast, some of which we’ll see again. I enjoyed the small “cameos” that popped up here and there, and even the non-action stuff I think is pretty solid. These are fun characters, even when they’re just sitting in a room talking.

After the dust settles on this release, I’ll talk a little about the next work.