Random Thoughts About Some of My Work

In about a month, A Witch to Live has gathered 7 reviews on Amazon. It took about a year for Mind Slide to gather that many. That book simply hasn’t caught on yet. Mind Slide is the first book I wrote that didn’t have monsters. I wonder if that’s a sign. ๐Ÿ™‚ It has supernatural elements, but no vampires, zombies, or demons. Or maybe it’s something I’m not seeing. Maybe the cover turns people away, or the blurb. I think Mind Slide is a cool little story. Mason has one singular ability, the power to project his mind, but I like his tale. I liked the “villain” in the story, Gabriel. Maybe it will catch on one day.

People seem to like A Witch to Live, and that’s just awesome. I’ve never attempted a sequel, or spinoff, or series, or whatever you want to call it.ย I honestly never thought people would comment on Demonspawn or the universe I created there. But I get just as many requests, maybe even more, to continue Alex’s story more than Dead Living. For a while, Dead Living generated a ton of feedback for me. A lot of people wanted to know what was next for the man who could walk with the undead. But Alex has quietly caught up. ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope when Dead Living gets released again later in the year Alex and Aaron can have another foot race for cooler protagonist. Maybe even Kevin can jump into the mix.

Another story is coming up in the Demonspawn universe, this one concerning another unique character. It’s been a lot of fun writing Jack, but I am nervous about how this one will be received. I love creating characters, and this one I think is great, but I don’t know if readers will take to him. All I can do is write and hope. ๐Ÿ™‚