Okay, What’s Next?

Witch's KurseIt’s been a month since I posted anything. Sorry about that. You gotta love summer. πŸ™‚

I haven’t talked about Witch’s Kurse too much on purpose. This is another series novel, and didn’t want to talk much until Demon’s Doorway was out for a bit. Certainly don’t want to spoil anything for those who haven’t read, but I figure the people who see these posts have already read it anyway. I also just wanted to reflect on Demon’s Doorway for a while, get reader feedback on what worked, what didn’t, thoughts on where they think the characters might go, all that fun stuff.

I’m only 10K words into the novel, but I can give some hints. Witch’s Kurse is mostly a Jack Kursed novel (kinda obvious from the title), with a smidgeon of Kevin Mishnar tossed in for good measure. I’m also introducing a new character that I think will pop up now and again through other novels. Hopefully the readers respond well to him (or her πŸ™‚ ).

As always, Jack will be the ever-present difficult character to work with. His time with Tiffany (plus a magical trinket) is certainly the catalyst for some positive changes, but Jack will always have that edge to him. πŸ™‚ He is not your typical hero, and I want to make sure he stays that way. Kevin has his own challenges as well, and the scenes I’ve got in my head for him are definitely fun.

Thanks, everyone, for reading my stuff so far.