Jenny Pox by JL Bryan

Just got done the book this week, and was very impressed. Jenny Pox is about a teenage girl who has the ability to spread disease through touch. There were parts I thought I knew the direction it was heading, but I was wrong, and it’s always good to be surprised. I like the writing style and the characters themselves. The villain is very unlikable, mission accomplished there. Through Jenny, we can see a common theme I think most everyone goes through growing up, which is to fit in and be accepted. One of the things I also like about this novel is its simplicity. At its heart, this is a story of good versus evil. We are introduced to the protagonist and antagonist early, and it doesn’t deviate from that conflict, which just makes the novel that much stronger. Definitely recommend checking this one out.


  • Strong writing
  • Strong characters, especially Jenny
  • Very satisying conclusion


  • Only one, and this is personal taste. The reveal of Jenny’s powers just wasn’t my cup of tea. But definitely imaginative.