Hi again :)
It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything, but just wanted to let everyone know I was still around. ๐
Looking through some logs, it looks like GMail might have moved many of the contact requests forms into my junk email. It looks like I haven’t responded to a lot of them, which I’ll correct shortly. ๐ I don’t anyone thinking I’m ignoring them.
May 19, 2014 @ 7:44 pm
Too Long. ๐
May 24, 2014 @ 11:04 pm
I truly enjoy your novels. I’d like to read another story with Mason some day (for those of you unfamiliar with Glenn’s work, this character is from Mind Slide).
May 27, 2014 @ 9:01 am
You’re one of the few who has requested a followup to Mason. ๐
May 27, 2014 @ 12:02 pm
I liked Mason, too, but then I seem to like all of your characters. Your writing is very engaging; it draws the reader into the tale.