
101K words. MUCH longer than I thought it would end up being. Is it too long? Is the finale too complicated? I hope not, but I’ll be finding all that out soon.

Next is editing, and then readers will take a peek, assuming I still have any. I know some readers have been upset with a lack of updates, one of my weaknesses. But it’s hard for an introvert to post simple things like “I’m still writing, 80K words in”, etc etc.

One project I’m setting in motion is to add a forum to the website. I certainly don’t expect a huge, blossoming online community, but this could possibly be a place for readers to talk about my books, or any other books for that matter.

I also have to fix the “link to Facebook” plugin. So, I have a few things I’m working on, which won’t take long, and then editing begins.

Thoughts on the finished novel.

  1. The finale was fun, everything I thought it would be. But oh so complicated to write. I hope it’s not complicated to read. There are a lot of moving parts, stories coming together, etc.
  2. I think the “guest star” turned out well. Sometimes, the guest stars don’t have the impact they did in my head. But this lived up, I think, and the next novel will be fun (which will be a series novel). It will take place not too long after this one, and the “guest” will become a “main” once again.
  3. The villains in this one, some of my best. They are always a weak point to me. They don’t steal much time from the main cast, but their motivations come across solid.
  4. Kevin has become nearly as much of a challenge to write as Jack, mainly because of his powers. I have to find ways to keep him growing, both as a person and as a witch. He’s difficult to balance in that technically he is the “strongest”, but with enough “weaknesses” to make him fall in line with the others. Also, writing magic is not easy at all. 🙂

Okay, enough babble. I’ll have a forum up in a few days (either bbPress or phpBB), and hopefully the Facebook link. The book, the new entry stuff, is DONE (always a good feeling). So, it won’t be much longer now.