Fallen Skye Update

One grammar check down, one more to go. After that, it’s off to the old beta reading. That’s when I (hopefully) get a handful of readers to just give me their thoughts. Love it? Hate it? This part doesn’t make sense? Why is Jack so mean? We iron out all those little things.

Then it’s on to Amazon after that. πŸ™‚

So, so close.

Two more minor updates. I think have my next book idea. I thought it would be a while before it came. Some scenes are coming together now, which is how it always starts.

Also, I’m taking a shot at Instagram. I’ll add that link to the site soon. As an introverted writer, I’ve pretty much tried to avoid all things “social”, but see some other writers have made good use out of Instagram.

My wife is the artistic one in our guild, so I’m going to steal her help. πŸ™‚