Fallen Skye Now Available

I imagine most of my followers know by now, but Fallen Skye is available. The link to the book page on the website is here. The direct Amazon link is here. (And in going there to get the link, I see there are two ratings already. Thanks very much, guys. 🙂 )

This book took a while to get out. Hopefully, it is worth the wait. Another tale in the Damned and Cursed universe, with quite a few characters we’ve all come to know. Victoria and Jack are the “main” characters, but with a sprinkling of some others as well.

So, what’s next? There are a few things I have to do to the actual book landing page. I have to move the samples over. Probably add some trivia. And some reviews, and that’s where I could use some help.

I avoid Amazon reviews like the plague. Back in the early days, I found myself checking them a little too much, and it caused some anxiety. Every writer loves to hear their work is enjoyed, but it stings just as equally on the bad reviews, too. The thing is that the bad stuff is just as valid. But I don’t want to get caught up in “review checking”. 🙂

However, saying that, I like to put excerpts of reviews on my site. So, if you happen to leave an Amazon review, and wouldn’t mind me putting up a portion of it on the site, let me know.

And more what’s next? In a week or so, will get to work on putting out the paperback version. Have to get the artwork designed, and then compile in Scrivener (which I am basically relearning).

Then it’s new novel time, but that’s another post. 🙂