Demon’s Doorway Is Cruising Along
It’s been about a month since Demon’s Doorway hit the shelves. I’m actually waiting for the print copy proof to hit the front step now, then after a quick review, that will be available in paperback. I’m trying to comb through the reviews and feedback now, to figure out what went well, what didn’t, what people are looking for next. π Handling reviews is something that always makes me nervous. To be honest, they’re very rare, but the “This author should never write another word” reviews are painful. But I have to try to push through those to get to the good stuff, honest criticism in which I can improve upon. Hopefully I can take Witch’s Kurse and make it an entertaining read. It certainly sounds awesome in my head, and the first 10K words I like very much. π
From the few reviews over at Amazon, it seems Jack is the most popular character, with Kevin just behind him. People seem to want more of Victoria, but strangely, I haven’t seen much mentioned of Alex yet. This is interesting, as his set of characters are the ones that participate in Demon’s Doorway (with a little of Tiffany).
So, thanks to everyone who’s checked out my work. I appreciate all the feedback (even the negative stuff π ) I’ll keep trying to pound out good novels.
July 15, 2013 @ 12:30 pm
I would pretty much agree with the popular opinion except for maybe Alex in front of Victoria. Not saying anything against Alex would very happily read more about him but for me most of the big points of question have been answered while Jack and Kevin are still midst struggle. However I really like all your novels and would not be disappointed in a continuation of any character thus far.
July 15, 2013 @ 1:25 pm
I think you can safely ignore those who denounce your work. Your stories are interesting, unique, and engaging, and it is clear to me as a reader that you have a great deal of writing talent.
As far as favorite characters are concerned, I seem to be a little bit at odds with general view. I don’t like Jack. He’s tolerable because of his saving graces (the people in his life that he cares about), but he’s not a nice guy, and he’s not a hero at heart (although, it’s possible that he really is and he just does a good job of hiding it).
Of the other major characters, I don’t want to choose a favorite. I think it would be doing them an injustice. I will admit that I was a little bit sorry to see Rachel go away. I understand why it happened, but she was easy to relate to in Kevin’s story. I hope that the ordinary humans don’t get lost in all of the supernatural stuff because they do add something to the tone and flavor of the stories.
That’s just my two cents. Take it or leave it.
August 6, 2013 @ 3:35 pm
I enjoy (and enjoyed) Alex’s stories, but for me he seems like he’s pretty much unbeatable especially with his “minions” and acts like the big gun that the others call in when things get too rough.
Whereas Kevin still seem to have a lot of room to grow and experiment (while he actually may BECOME uber-powerful once he’s actually planning ahead and or does some Perma-potions ala Jack’s on himself, he seems to simply react and then wait for “inspiration” on how to do things to counter-act immediate situations).
Just seems like Kevin has a lot more growth potential at the moment and ANYTHING could happen with Jack at this point, based on Kevin’s assistance.
Alex’s storyline could probably branch into more ghost helping with the growth and interest with the ghosts, but he’s settling down (happily married), not really vulnerable to much, and has a fairly wide and powerful range of abilities. I guess a full on Demon Lord could come and challenge him, heh…
August 6, 2013 @ 3:43 pm
This is interesting. I don’t view Alex as unbeatable. It’s actually Kevin I’m keeping a close eye on, making sure his powers don’t get out of control. π In fact, with Kevin and Alex both, a bullet will kill them. They’re definitely mortal.
A demon lord. Now that’s an interesting idea. π
August 14, 2013 @ 4:51 pm
Ah, didn’t realize that a bullet would kill Alex, thought I remembered him shielding others from bullets (or was it only his wings?), I’ll have to re-read…
Yes, it seems that Kevin COULD become that way quickly (i.e. impervious to harm like Jack, immune to “radiant” energy ala Victoria w/the sun, etc…), if/when he stops being reactive and focused on immediate/tactical results…
August 15, 2013 @ 9:30 am
Alex’s wings is what he’s been using as a “shield” so far, but I don’t think I’ve had anyone fire an actual gun at him. He’s “vanished” from bullets before, but yeah, he and Kevin both are definitely mortal. I’m gonna have to beat them up a little. π
I’m trying to balance Kevin in that he’s strong, but his own mind is holding himself back. And as strong as he is, he does need actual items to put together to make his magic work. Without his potions, he is kind of weakened.
When I first created him, I was tempted to have him be a witch that used spoken spells, but that seemed to much to me, which is why I went the potion route. Now I just have to make sure to keep him in check. π
August 26, 2013 @ 2:44 am
It’s odd how the same character can look so different depending on the reader. To me Kevin is the low dog in the pack. Because he is so fragile.
His first meeting with Victoria ends with him in a coffin. He survives only through trickery. He’s winning the rematch but one second’s distraction and it’s over. Then in DD one hit and he goes down, again and again. Even when Kevin is winning it feels very precarious because he is so vulnerable to a counterattack.
True, Alex is just as fragile but he is much quicker. Imagine the restaurant ambush in JK but with Alex in Kevin’s place. If he doesn’t get shot in the first moment he vanishes into the safety of the spirit world. Then, undistracted by personal danger he goes on the offensive, whereas Kevin was pinned down and desperately scrambling for cover at that point in the scene.
Kevin is the most powerful in terms of his ability to affect the world at large, but that doesn’t help him defend himself from personal attacks. There he needs to be stronger, not weaker.
September 12, 2013 @ 12:06 pm
I love that different people can see them in different ways π I have my own views on the characters as well. I always Kevin had the most “raw” power, but he can easily lose his share of fights. The other characters of Damned and Cursed could take him, for sure.