Broken Home…confused yet?
Okay, some quick, rambling, random updates, and an issue I could use some feedback on. ๐
So far, so good on Demons LLC. I was worried about Alex’s latest adventure. Not sure if you guys remember the poll that was up a while back, but Jack, followed by Kevin are the “must reads”. I was worried about Alex getting some love, but it looks like the novel has been enjoyed. I think his skill-set helps, for sure. Who doesn’t love a good ghost story? I wonder if Nate and Kylie helped somewhat? I enjoyed those two more than I thought I would. I viewed them more as side characters in the beginning, there to help tell Alex’s story. But I like the life the young pair took on.
Four Centuries is still flowing smoothly. 25K words, at the moment. There are a few “mystery” spots I still have to iron out, but far fewer than previous novels. This one is almost writing itself, which is very cool. I already have the sample I want to use in mind, which isn’t too far away. I like the glimpses into the previously unseen vampire society/life that’s been covered so far.
And now, onto the problem. I was over on my Amazon page trying to find out why Demons LLC is missing (thanks, Daniel B, for pointing this out to me). I was poking at the forums over there (I forget that each author has his/her own forum), and noticed the same confusionย that’s popped up over here, regarding Broken Home and series volume numbers.
I guess the million-dollar-question is: Should Broken Home have a volume number?
It’s caused a lot of confusion between the last three works (Witch’s Kurse, Broken Home, Demons LLC). In terms of reading order, that’s how they’re laid out. 5, 6, 7. Broken Home is #6. But it is a short story, as well as being a prequel, and that’s caused some problems. I didn’t just want to NOT give it a number, so I kept in line with the “order that I wrote them” list.
I’m sure I can change this. I could re-number the last two works, make Demons LLC #6, and remove the number from Broken Home. But…is that a good idea? Will people read Broken Home in the future and think “Where the hell does this fall?” What if people read Broken Home before Demonspawn, or Jack Kursed? That might cause even MORE confusion.
So, what do you guys think? We have a nicely flowing series, but there is one tiny little short story waving off to the side.
August 19, 2015 @ 12:08 pm
I would say mark it 5.5. I’ve seen several other authors do this with short stories where they are meant to be read in between two books of the main series, but aren’t necessary and find that it really does help with clearing up any confusion.
August 19, 2015 @ 12:20 pm
I think numbering them all on the website would be good, make jack kursed issue one and so forth, help remove some of the confusion.
As to broken home? Do you see it going somewhere? If so number that as well and keep them part of the main story, if you just want is as part of the “universe” make it issue 5.5, not quite part of the stories but more background into the narrative, have the characters pop up occasionally in the main stories.
Ultimately it’s your story, we’re all here just for the ride and loving every minute ๐
August 19, 2015 @ 12:39 pm
I read broken home when it was first released, i remember being confused at first on where it takes place in the flow of the books. Without spoiling, a certain character showed up using a name i recalled from a previous book where that character and another were discussing some of the worst names they’ve used over the centuries. Then i knew it had to be a prequel…
I actually liked how it was presented, i mean if you read this first you might be all kinds of confused going forward. But in order i felt it was fine. Maybe take out the number and say its just Broken Home (A damed and cursed side story)? Lol
August 19, 2015 @ 1:56 pm
I was wondering if anyone would ever pick up on the “name drop” from another novel. ๐ It’s a quick, throwaway line, that could maybe even be interpreted as a joke. But indeed, they do tie together.
Another subtle hint is the font on the cover. ๐
August 19, 2015 @ 12:40 pm
Great series! My suggestion is call it “A Damned and Cursed series short – Jack Kursed 1”. Perhaps above the title where it says “From the Damned and Cursed series”
August 19, 2015 @ 12:48 pm
My only hope for the series is that you don’t do like another author’s whose work I enjoy by the name of John Corwin. I get that when normal people or those new to the supernatural scene see what Alex and Jack do, for example they always do the whole “wow” bits. It is overdone. I want more story telling and less back story. I get wanting to refresh the reader on what has happend, but it takes too big a chunk in your opinion
August 19, 2015 @ 1:58 pm
I try to be very cautious of this challenge, and ran into it quite a bit on Demons LLC. It’s very hard at times to keep a story flowing while catching up new characters (as well as a new audience) with existing characters. I think I did a job, normally tidying things up in a few sentences, spread throughout the novel. Four Centuries is following the same path.
August 19, 2015 @ 12:49 pm
I meant “my” opinion. Grammar natzi.
P.s. ignore all other errors lol
August 19, 2015 @ 1:28 pm
Numbering the shorts separately may create more problems with where they fit into the series if they read those in order separately. It is a tough call but putting them in the main order would be nice and if they will let you do a decimal, say 5.5 that would make the most sense…
August 19, 2015 @ 4:56 pm
I really don’t pay attention to the book numbers. I considered Broken Home a prequel once I made the character connections; which only made the present day connections even more interesting. Since I’m an avid reader; my friends always ask me how do I keep up with all of the different characters of the many different series that I am currently reading. I always answer that I have no idea; I just do because a great writer will make your favorite characters stand out. So kudos to you Glenn for giving me Alex and Jack to add to my favorite book character collection.
August 19, 2015 @ 6:32 pm
I think it should be numbered at 5.5 – as a short story. If you read it before the others it could be very confusing, I didn’t make the connection between the two children and Alex’s parents until I re-read his story again.
August 19, 2015 @ 7:17 pm
It should probably be 5.5 as that is pretty common these days for short stories related to a larger ongoing series. Its a pity actually that the short story wasn’t included in the print version of ‘demons llc’…unless of course down the track you are planning on doing anthology of short stories?
August 22, 2015 @ 11:40 am
No real comment on numbering Broken Home or not, except that I think it absolutely should be read where positioned. I also caught the name Byron and realized it was Jack. I recently reread the whole series, just a month after reading them the first time, which is kind of a first for me–to reread so soon. When I finished Broken Home, I got to thinking….does Jack realize who Alex is? I think my favorite characters are Alex, Jack and Kevin. I am really glad you killed Jonathan off, as I really greatly disliked him. Not sure why Victoria liked him so much. Perhaps he wasn’t so offensive in the past?
August 24, 2015 @ 10:47 am
Sounds like 5.5 is the way to go. ๐ Make perfect sense.
August 24, 2015 @ 4:03 pm
Well, looks like 5.5 can’t be done. ๐ Amazon wants whole numbers, of course.
I may simply stop calling Broken Home volume 6, and take away the number.