A Witch To Live, time to beta read
I’m sure I’ll be spending the next month or so making corrections, changing things here and there, moving sentences around, etc. But I think my latest is ready for some eyes on it, to get some feedback.
I have to gather the list of people who have volunteered to read, and I’ll send out emails soon, just to make sure they’re still interested. 🙂 For anyone that does read for me, first of all, I appreciate it very much. As for what I look for in a beta reading, it’s entirely up to the reader. Some are more comfortable offering grammar advice, while others would rather talk about the story. Either way, any feedback is good feedback.
This is exciting and scary at the same time, as always.
A Witch To Live takes places in the same “world” as Demonspawn. Mainly, our own world, but with supernatural creatures floating around. People who read and enjoyed Demonspawn will recognize a few events and characters in this novel, but I also tried not to make Demonspawn required reading.
Well, hope you enjoy, and thank you beta readers, ahead of time.
February 14, 2012 @ 8:24 am
Excellent proofreader. Grammar and storyline. BTW when is a sequel to Demon Spawn arriving?
February 14, 2012 @ 9:27 am
I’m honestly not sure if a “true” sequel will ever happen. By that, I mean a story following Alex completely. He will show up in other novels for sure, and I do have an idea after the one I’m working on now is done. But I’ll be honest, it all depends on how this next one turns out. If people don’t like this idea I’m working on, I doubt they’d like what I had in mind next concerning Alex. 🙂
February 15, 2012 @ 8:44 pm
Any approximate Kindle release dates for A Witch, etc…?
I for one would greatly enjoy (and more importantly, PURCHASE) a longer series w/Alex, et al… (Dresden, anyone?) Not that you need to be my personal author, of course. (Unless that’s an option? ::evil grin::)
February 16, 2012 @ 8:27 am
Ha 🙂 A Witch To Live should be available for purchase sooner rather than later. I’m waiting for just a bit more feedback, then it’s ready to release I believe. I do have to take another stab at the description, make it eye-catching-I-must-read. My beta readers have been fantastic, and I think the novel is finally pretty tight.
I honestly never thought I’d do a series. I’m not sure if what I’m doing now is considered a series. A Witch To Live takes place in the same world as Demonspawn, and has a few characters crossing over, making cameos. This next novel I’m working on, the same exact thing, and I’m real excited about it. 🙂
March 14, 2012 @ 6:53 pm
If you ever need someone else to read I volunteer!!! I am a voracious reader and have read hundreds if not thousand of zombie/vampire books. Your four books have been some of my favorite.
March 15, 2012 @ 8:39 am
Believe me, I need all the beta readers I can get. 🙂 Thank you.