A Quick Update On Latest WIP and Soul Insurance

Soul InsuranceI think Soul Insurance has settled enough, and I’ll give it a thorough read this week. Part of the delay has been work on my latest novel. In a little less than two weeks, I’ve somehow managed to crank out 33K words. I wish I could keep this pace up on all my novels. But even on this one, I know that will drop eventually. Christmas is just around the corner, so that alone will drop the word count some.

I do have enough for a sample, for sure. So I’ll put that together soon and get it online. Hopefully it captures interest and comes across well.

As for Soul Insurance, on the other post were a slew of volunteers for beta-reading, so I’m sure I’ll be good there. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ll put the official post for that together as soon as I’m done with my own process, shouldn’t be long now. ๐Ÿ™‚