A Witch To Live is done
Well, “done” as always, is probably an exaggeration. 🙂 I still need to come up with a better description/blurb. Of course, proofreading and editing about 50 times. But the actual “entry” is done.
I’ll let it sit I think for about a day, then I will look over the last 20% (I’m confident the first 80% is solid). I’ll look through the requests for beta reading, and send out copies. I hope people like it. A lot of thought went into this one. This was my first attempt at a spin-off, so I had to keep in mind certain details from Demonspawn. I’m also hoping people who have never even heard of Demonspawn will like it as well.
I do love the characters in A Witch To Live. Kevin, Rachel, Victoria, even the smaller characters like Martha. I had a lot of fun creating this world, and I have a few more ideas that would take place in it.
That’s a post for later though 🙂
January 30, 2012 @ 7:44 pm
Can’t wait! I’ve read your 3 you’ve got out now at least half a dozen times each now =D
January 30, 2012 @ 9:08 pm
Yay, can’t wait to meet the new characters!
January 31, 2012 @ 12:11 am
“A piece of writing is never really ‘done'”– one of my better english profs