Joe Thompson lowered the prongs on his forklift and set the crate near the end of the trailer. He backed out of the thick heat and wiped a bead of sweat from his head. The loading dock itself was much cooler. It was beautiful outside, a cloudless seventy-five degree day. A great day to be anywhere except at work loading freight.
It was the Saturday before the last week of the month, always the busiest shipping week. Someone had to draw the short straw, and it was Joe this weekend. He tried to use his pregnant wife as an excuse, but she was still a few weeks from being due. The excuse didn’t fly. He knew they needed the money. He shot his supervisor Danny a dirty look as he climbed off the forklift. He knew he should feel bad for Danny too. He had to work every single weekend. But Joe was having trouble being sympathetic.
Anthony, the driver for the trailer Joe had just loaded, called his name. Joe was lost to the sounds of the warehouse. The hum of air compressors was always in the background, along with grinders, welders, paint sprayers. His plant made industrial driers for plastic. It was his job to crate and ship them.
“Hey, Joe!” Anthony yelled. “You awake over there?”
“Oh yeah, yeah. All done. Just some paperwork. Over here.”
Joe had known Anthony for almost two years. He was one of the regular drivers. Joe noticed he had a bandage around his arm as they walked back to the desk.
“You alright?” Joe asked. “Your wife beat you up again?”
Anthony shot him a look. Anthony’s wife was an amateur bodybuilder, who was nearly two times his size. Secretly, Joe felt bad for him. Joe was still head-over-heels in love with his wife Sarah, even after seven years. He couldn’t wait to add to their little family in a few weeks. At least half the time he was excited. The other half he was terrified. Anthony, on the other hand, didn’t have many good things to say about his wife.
“No, she didn’t beat me up, wise-ass,” he said. “A homeless guy bit me.”
“Bit you? Are you serious?”
“I’m dead serious. The bastard was drunk or something. Bit me while I was getting in my car.”
Joe laughed. “You should get your wife to bend him in half. Teach him some manners. Did you call the cops or anything?”
“You want me to call the cops on a homeless guy? And stop talking about my wife, or I’ll get her down here to smack you around.”
Joe watched him as he signed a few forms. His hand shook slightly and he looked pale.
“You might want to go to the hospital. You don’t look so good. I mean, worse than usual.”
“Ha ha, you little bastard. Wait till you see how you feel in a few months with that newborn baby. Wave goodbye to sleep now.”
Joe smiled. “I’ll just wake Sarah up.”
“Yeah, good luck with that.”
They shared another laugh, then Joe became serious as Anthony left through the shipping door.
“Seriously, man. Go to the hospital.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m gonna take my nap in the truck, drop this load off, then I’ll head over.”
The door closed behind Anthony. Joe heard the door to his truck open and shut.
The break bell rang. Saturday was only a six hour shift. Sometimes Joe would skip break and punch out early. Not today. He wanted a coffee from the break room.
Their break room was simple enough. Vending machines, water fountain in the corner, some microwaves scattered around. They even had a little television on a stand against the wall. More people were gathered around than usual. Joe grew curious as he took a sip of coffee.
“What’s up guys? Cartoons on?”
They didn’t answer. It took a good ten seconds for anyone to notice he even said anything. Finally, his friend Brian turned around.
“Man, check this out. There’s some scary shit going on.”
Joe stepped forward and looked over everyone’s shoulders to see the TV. It looked like a riot, filmed from a helicopter. Sadly, the scene didn’t shake him that much. It seemed like every other day there was some kind of violence on the news.
What did catch his attention, however, were the words New York City at the bottom of the screen.
“A riot in New York? What are they fighting over?”
“Not just New York,” Brian said. “Everywhere.”
Joe kept quiet and listened.
“There is speculation that this is a biological terrorist attack. However, reports are now coming in that the mass outbreak of violence is happening in London, Tokyo, Sidney, on every continent. Authorities are advising everyone to stay in their homes.”
“This is un-fucking-real,” Brian said.
Danny the supervisor walked into the break room. Joe felt an eerie sense of deja vu. The last time everyone gathered in the break room to watch a life-altering event was on September 11th, 2001.
“Guys, I just caught some weird ass stories on the net,” Danny said. “What the hell is going on?”
No one answered. They were hypnotized by the news.
It almost didn’t seem real. Joe actually thought, just for a second, that this was some kind of joke. Someone had made a gag tape and put it in the VCR. But the mood of the break room told him this was no joke. He turned around and grabbed his cell phone from his belt. His first thought was to his wife Sarah.
Her voice calmed him. Sarah had that effect on him.
“Hey baby. It’s me.”
“Joe, you won’t believe this. There’s fifteen cop cars down the street. Someone ran a car into a house! I think it’s on fire. Can you believe that?”
“Listen honey. Are you watching the news?”
“No, why?”
“There’s something really weird going on. I’m gonna cut out early today, soon. You stay at the house, alright?”
“Sure. Me and Margie are just watching what’s going on outside.”
Margie was Sarah’s best friend. They were in high school together and were always close. Joe liked her. She helped with Sarah’s pregnancy a lot, especially with Joe working extra hours.
“Okay, I’ll be home soon. Tell our son I’m leaving now.”
“You mean our daughter.”
Joe smiled. Eight months into their pregnancy and they didn’t know the sex of their child. They wanted to be surprised. They still hadn’t picked a name out for the baby, and Joe was getting nervous. He didn’t want their first child to be in his mother’s arms for the first time without a name. But Sarah had rejected every name they’d come up with.
“I’ll see you when I get home.”
“Okay, love you sweetie.”
“Everyone,” Danny said behind him. “I think we’re just gonna close up shop for the day. Let’s all just go home and take care of our own.”
Some relief passed through the break room, before the television spoke again.
“The Center of Disease Control is now issuing a public health warning. They believe whatever is causing people to exhibit violent behavior could possibly be spread through a bite or direct contact with open wounds. Again, you are urged to stay in your homes.”
May 30, 2012 @ 2:37 pm
I have by searching for a copy of Dead Living everywhere from eBay to amazon to local used book stores, craiglist!! Help!! I desperately want to read this novel recommended by a best friend, but can’t seem to get my hands on a copy!
May 31, 2012 @ 2:42 pm
Dead Living did much better than I expected, to the point it actually got noticed by a small press specializing in end-of-the-world fiction (Permuted Press). So for now it’s unavailable for sale. It’s been through editing, and is getting a fresh cover now. I don’t know when Permuted Press will be releasing it for sale, though.
June 5, 2012 @ 9:26 am
Hey I just wanted to let you know that I absolutely loved Dead living. A friend and I both read it and agreed it was the best Zombie book we had read (and we’ve read quite a few.) I went back and looked on my Kindle today to see if you’ve done a sequel and saw it wasn’t available. Came to your site to see why. It would be great to see a sequel (or 3) to Dead living like the White flag of the dead series. Good luck and keep it up!
June 5, 2012 @ 11:15 am
One day I’ll get back to Aaron. 🙂 He’s one of my favorite protagonists I’ve made. I’ve had some readers toss some pretty good ideas at me about where I could go with a sequel.
June 26, 2012 @ 11:49 am
Will Dead Living be available on Kindle/Nook again sometime? I love your other books and would like to read this one too.
June 26, 2012 @ 1:07 pm
It will definitely be out. 🙂 From what I understand it will be out in eBook and print format, and hopefully (fingers crossed) an audio book as well.
July 5, 2012 @ 5:57 pm
Glenn, love this book. I have read all of yours and this is my favorite. As such, I recommended it to several friends. They have been unable to buy for download on Amazon. Can you explain how an e-book can be “out of print” ( why electronic version was removed from Amazon)? Thanks, keep up the good work.
July 6, 2012 @ 8:18 am
Also, isn’t that funny how they phrase it? An e-book being out of print. 🙂
July 5, 2012 @ 6:36 pm
Dead Living is currently unavailable, as it will arise from the dead (that joke never gets old) later in the year under the banner of Permuted Press, with a new cover, improved editing, etc. I honestly can’t wait.
July 18, 2012 @ 5:15 pm
you should get this on e-book like some of your other books
July 19, 2012 @ 8:19 am
Oh it will be. It will be distributed in December by Permuted Press. I know it’ll definitely be in eBook and print versions, and I think they’re shooting for an audio book as well.
December 10, 2012 @ 1:48 am
Any updates on when this’ll be coming out? Soooo looking forward to more of your writing!
December 10, 2012 @ 8:19 am
Ah, I forgot to provide an update for this. Dead Living will be out the last week of January. It got pushed back a month. Can’t wait myself. 🙂
January 19, 2013 @ 1:06 am
Downloaded Dead Living to my kindle today. Probably will be up all night reading.
January 24, 2013 @ 7:23 am
I’m still not able to get Dead living in the iBooks on the iPhone. Was wondering if it’ll be on there at a later time.?
January 24, 2013 @ 8:20 am
It should be. Permuted Press is making is available pretty much by any means (even an Audible book, which is awesome). Let me send them an email and find out.
January 24, 2013 @ 8:57 am
Just got confirmation. Dead Living will be available as an iBook. It just takes a little longer for the content to reach them.
January 30, 2013 @ 11:26 am
Mr. Bullion,
Dead Living is one of the better zombie novels I’ve read in a while. Very cool take on the genre, the story was very tight and well paced.
February 12, 2013 @ 8:26 pm
Has there been a date set for Dead Living for iBooks yet? Can’t wait to get it really excited for it.
February 14, 2013 @ 9:05 am
Ah, no date yet 🙁 I don’t think there will be a date, really. It’ll just show up. I know it’s “on the way” now, all the other places have it. 🙂
October 6, 2014 @ 11:39 pm
I loved this book! I have read 100s of zombie books, unfortunately most are not very well written and lack engaging characters. Yours is a true gem. I reccomend it all the time. I wish you would write a sequel
October 7, 2014 @ 8:55 am
One day I am going to write a sequel. I really want to return to this world, but I don’t have any solid story ideas yet, only loose scenes and lines.
November 18, 2015 @ 1:01 pm
Will there ever be a sequel for this? I loved this book.